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I’m afraid I have lured you here under false pretenses. These aren’t really Frequently Asked Questions; they’re more like rarely asked questions, or questions that I wish people would ask me so I can talk about all my nerdy pursuits. Actually, one of my bucket-list items is to be a contestant on Jeopardy!, and the following is how I imagine the conversation with Ken Jennings during the interview portion of the show might go.

Game Show Set

KJ:    I hear you are an a cappella aficionado. Do you sing a cappella or just like to listen?


Me:  I am definitely an aca-nerd. I have been singing a cappella since high school and currently sing with a semi-pro group in the Charlotte area similar to Pentatonix. In addition to contemporary music, we also perform profusely during the Christmas season, often dressed in Victorian caroling costumes. If you’d like to check out my a cappella adventures, you cand find audio and video at


KJ:    I’ve been told that you do quite a bit of running. Are you being chased, or are you just punishing yourself?


Me:  Punishing myself. I do run a lot, mostly so I can run races through the Disney Parks in the dark, wee hours of the morning, dressed up in costumes that are typically not conducive to comfortable running. Wow, I really am punishing myself!


KJ:    It looks like you are a huge supporter of one particular college team. Can you tell us about that, keeping in mind that this is a short segment?


Me:  (singing) I’m a Tar Heel born, I’m a Tar Heel bred, and when I die, I’m a Tar Heel dead. So it’s rah rah, Carolina, -lina, rah rah Carolina, -lina, rah rah Carolina, go to hell Duke! That pretty well sums it up.


KJ:    My notes indicate that you actually met Alex Trebek many years ago. Tell us about that encounter.


Me: I did meet Alex when I was working at Walt Disney World as an intern in their publicity department. He was hosting the National Geographic Geography Bee there that week. I was fortunate to interact with many celebrities during my internship, including Charlton Heston and Eartha Kitt, the original Catwoman.


KJ:    Tell me about your most embarrassing moment.


Me:  Umm, no thanks.


KJ:    OK, then, tell me about your superpower.


Me:  I have a special gift for recalling 80s song lyrics and identifying 80s songs from just a few opening notes. In addition to Jeopardy!, I would be a great contestant on Name That Tune and Beat Shazam.

© 2035 by MichelleLeighVO


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